The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) on Wednesday released a request for proposals (RFP) for the LUNO A program that will open a new contract for economic indicator monitoring from unclassified commercial sources.
LUNO A will replace the current Economic Indicator Monitoring (EIM) contract that NGA and the larger National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) have used to acquire data and services to monitor economic, environmental, and military activity worldwide. The NSG includes the intelligence community, the Joint Staff, the military departments and combatant commands, international partners, the National Applications Office, and Civil Applications Committee members.
Responses to the RFP are due by March 26.
“LUNO A will transform NGA’s approach to geospatial information and knowledge, expand access to data and services for the NSG, and accelerate Analysis Workflow Modernization objectives and integrate data and services into enterprise capabilities,” NGA said in a Jan. 10 notice. This approach will deliver data that enables NGA and NSG analysts to add context to analytic assessments, and have unparalleled insight into and data to quantify worldwide economic and environmental activity and military capabilities.”
BAE Systems, Ball Aerospace [BALL], BlackSky Technology [BKSY], Continental Mapping Consultants, and Royce Geospatial Consultants are supporting NGA under the current $60 million EIM contract awarded in August 2021.