The Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman [NOC] a $48.7 million contract modification for continuing operations and support of the Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) system.
Under the contract modification, the company will continue providing management, engineering, implementation, test, site and training support.
BACN provides an advanced airborne communications gateway capability to commanders and warfighters, enhancing situational awareness and connecting disparate voice and datalink networks throughout the battlespace. BACN bridges and extends voice communications and battlespace awareness information from numerous sources using a suite of computers and radio systems.
The Air Force Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom AFB, Mass., awarded the contract to Northrop Grumman in support of the Air Force Materiel Command.
Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor for the development, fielding and maintenance of the BACN system. The company was awarded the first BACN contract in April 2005.
Northrop Grumman’s work on the BACN program is managed and performed primarily in San Diego.
The BACN program has received a number of accolades over the past year. The Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Defense Industrial Association selected the BACN Joint Urgent Operational Need program to receive one of the Top 5 DoD Program Awards, which are given annually for excellence in systems engineering.
BACN also was honored with the Weapon Systems Award from the Order of Daedalians, a national fraternity of military pilots, and the 2010 Network Centric Warfare Award for Outstanding Achievement from a Defense Industry Partner, by the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement.