Orbital ATK [OA] completed the installation and integration of the AAR-47 Missile and Laser Warning System onto AH-1S helicopters for the South Korean army, the company said on Monday.
The system came with Hostile Fire Indication (HFI), Symetrics’ ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispensing System (CMDS), and Southeast Aerospace’s aircraft modification kits.
Image: Orbital ATK.
The AAR-47 integrates missile, laser, and hostile fire threat warnings into a single system. The HFI capability allows aircrews flying helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft to detect a wider range of threats to their aircraft including smaller-caliber weapon fire and rocket propelled grenades, Orbital ATK said.
The AN/ALE-47 CMDS enhances survivability against surface-to-air and air-to-air missile threats by dispensing chaff or flares.
“The knowledge and experience of our team allowed us to rapidly install and integrate the survivability equipment onto the Korean AH-1S helicopters,” Bill Kasting, vice president and general manager of the defense electronic systems division of Orbital ATK’s Defense Systems Group, said in a statement.
The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) awarded the company the contract for installation and integration of the equipment in April 2011
The AAR-47 missile warning system is installed on over 3,200 fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, flown by the United States and over 16 allied countries, Orbital ATK said.