3536 results for: japan aegis

Japan, U.S. Forces, Don't Try To Shoot It Down; Instead, Obama, Others, Frown On Outlaw Launch Illicit North Korean Missile Launch Proves Need For U.S., Japanese Missile Defense; Missile Flight Aids Lawmakers Supporting U.S. Missile Defense North Korea Didn't Launch A Satellite North Korea again ...

Three panels of experts put down critics' allegations that missile defense programs don't work or have other shortcomings, allegations that are being used by some leaders in Washington to underpin spending cuts in those missile protection programs. That marathon round of presentations came in a ...

Soyuz Lands Wednesday With Crew Space Shuttle Atlantis has arrived at Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center, Fla., poised for a May 12 liftoff on the STS-125 Mission to repair and refurbish the Hubble Space Telescope. Meanwhile, a Russian Soyuz vehicle is set to land a crew back on Earth Wednesday, ...

Updated -- April 2, 2009 - 11 a.m. EDT Legend:+ Targeted For | * No Earlier Than (Tentative) |** To Be Determined 2009 Launches Date: April 28 * Mission: GOES-O Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IV Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Pad 37-B Launch Window: 6:24 - 7 ...

France's Sagem Securite and Japan's Hitachi [HIT] have partnered to develop a multimode biometric recognition module based on Sagem's fingerprint identification technology and Hitachi's vein imaging technology. The module will be developed and produced by Sagem, a division of the SAFRAN Group. ...

By Dave Ahearn If leaders in Washington make crippling cuts in missile defense programs, or kill them outright, tens of thousands of Americans will be dumped out of good-paying, clean industrial jobs into jobless lines amidst the worst recession since the Great Depression. That was one of the ...