3482 results for: japan aegis

By Dave Ahearn The current Navy program to convert 18 cruisers and destroyers to the Aegis ballistic missile defense (BMD) capability, which will be completed by the end of this year, will have to be expanded to cover roughly 90 ships, a senior Navy officer said yesterday. "Eighteen ships is not ...

By Marina Malenic U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) this week is conducting the third phase of a multi-year effort to improve the joint force commander's ability to operate with interagency, international and non-government partners during a potential attack or natural disaster on U.S. territory. ...


Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Launch To Be Delayed Launch of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) will be delayed from late this year until early next year, NASA announced. The LRO will swap places with a United Launch Alliance liftoff, a deal that gives the LRO more than twice as many potential ...


ATK Gets $16.4 Million Order For Missile Warning System The Navy gave Alliant Techsystems Inc. [ATK] $16.4 million of orders for the AAR-47 A(V)2 warning system that protects aircraft against incoming enemy surface-to-air missiles. The system protects both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. Some ...

By Geoff Fein A overlooked point in the debate whether to end the DDG-1000 program is that the ship is the most capable vessel and most successful shipbuilding program the Navy has ever had, according to a top industry official on the contractor team. Raytheon's [RTN] Dan Smith, president of the ...

A test of radars tracking a target missile launched from Kodiak, Alaska, showed the sensors aced the trial, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) said Friday evening. While MDA had hoped to use a Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) interceptor missile in the test, that had to be postponed until late ...

Protection Of Czech Republic Against Missile Attack Also Assured The United States has guaranteed to protect the Czech Republic from any potential Russian attack on an envisioned European Missile Defense (EMD) system, and also has guaranteed to protect the Czechs from a missile attack by nations ...

NASA isn't planning to award future contracts to the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) or to the European Space Agency (ESA) to provide cargo transport to the International Space Station, NASA announced today. Rather, the U.S. space agency still wishes to obtain commercial transport services from ...

Opposition To Early International Space Station Retirement Five global space-program leaders voiced concern that the International Space Station (ISS) should be operational through the end of the next decade at least, instead of retiring by 2016 as current U.S. official plans envision. They also ...