3482 results for: japan aegis

By Geoff Fein During his tenure as Navy Secretary, Donald Winter has made it a point to visit foreign shipyards when the opportunity presents itself. The visits have enabled Winter to see best practices of the shipyards as well as some of the platforms the yards are producing. On his most recent ...

Some nations are interested in buying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile defense (BMD) system, John Young, the chief Pentagon weapons buyer, told Congress recently. THAAD, made by prime contractor Lockheed Martin [LMT] with radar by Raytheon [RTN], is a mobile system ...

By Geoff Fein The Navy yesterday awarded Northrop Grumman [NOC] a $1.16 billion contract to develop the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) unmanned aerial system (UAS), beating out teams led by Boeing [BA] and Lockheed Martin [LMT]. The contract award, which faced numerous delays, was finally ...

By Dave Ahearn Some nations are interested in buying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile defense (BMD) system, John Young, the chief Pentagon weapons buyer, told Congress recently. THAAD, made by prime contractor Lockheed Martin [LMT] with radar by Raytheon [RTN], is a ...

Space Based Radar Needed Because Ground Radars Blind In Some Spots Europeans Would Welcome Mobile Kinetic Energy Interceptor Missile Defense Some nations are interested in buying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile defense (BMD) system, John Young, the chief Pentagon ...