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Brass Don't Say As Senators Ask Who Built Failed Satellite Whodunit? Senators asked at a hearing which company or firms built that U.S. intelligence satellite that failed completely just after launch, forcing the Navy to alter a missile defense system and shoot it down. But high-ranking Pentagon ...

The Air Force chief of staff recently indicated he would welcome discussions with the defense secretary about opening the F-22 Raptor to foreign military sales. The sale of the stealth fighter jet made by Lockheed Martin [LMT] to foreign nations was prohibited by law in the fiscal year 1998 ...

By Jen DiMascio A senior member of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee and other lawmakers are pressing for hearings on the Air Force's decision to award Northrop Grumman [NOC] a contract to develop the service's next generation of aerial refueling tanker aircraft. They are also trying to ...

By Geoff Fein Last month's missile shot at a wayward spy satellite not only demonstrated the capability of the technologies to conduct such an effort, but it also showed the ability of the government and industry to quickly plan, train for and carry out a mission that had never been tried before. ...


Space Shuttle Endeavour Cleared For Launch March 11 At 2:28 A.M. In Dark, With Flashbulbs Popping For Pics U.S. ASAT Shot Demolishing Errant Intel Satellite Creates Little Increased Chance Space Debris Will Hit Endeavour During Its STS-123 Mission ATV Launch Set For March 8; Delta Launches This ...

By Jen DiMascio The Air Force chief of staff yesterday indicated he would welcome discussions with the defense secretary about opening the F-22 Raptor to foreign military sales. The sale of the stealth fighter jet made by Lockheed Martin [LMT] to foreign nations was prohibited by law in the fiscal ...

By Geoff Fein The relationship between the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the commercial imagery sector remains strong and will remain so into the future as the agency continues to rely on a mix of fee for service imagery and data that NGA acquires on its own, a top agency ...

By Dave Ahearn Engineers are moving toward a solution for the thrust oscillation problems that threaten to cause severe vibration in the Ares rocket for the next-generation U.S. space system, including the Orion space capsule and astronauts inside it, a NASA official said. "I think we're ...