3482 results for: japan aegis


Raytheon Gains $1 Billion Contract for SM-3 Interceptor Missiles The Missile Defense Agency gave Raytheon Co. [RTN] a $1 billion contract change for Standard Missile-3 interceptors. Under the contract, Raytheon Missile Systems of Tucson, Ariz., will provide 75 of the SM-3 block IA interceptors for ...

By Geoff Fein The Navy will use a Standard Missile (SM)-3 launched from an Aegis-capable ship in the Pacific, in hopes of hitting an out of control spy satellite re-entering the Earth's orbit, military and administration officials said yesterday. The hope is to prevent the satellite, which is ...

By Calvin Biesecker The FBI yesterday selected Lockheed Martin [LMT] as the systems integrator for an award potentially worth nearly $1 billion to design, develop and deploy its Next Generation Identification (NGI) System, which will expand its current electronic fingerprint-based database to ...

While Taiwan has the eighth largest economy in the world, is important to U.S. interests, and occupies a militarily vital area astride critical sea lanes, it is not worthwhile for the United States to risk confronting a major nuclear-armed power such as China to stop the People's Liberation Army ...

By Jen DiMascio Defense Secretary Robert Gates yesterday explained that the Pentagon has opposed mass production of additional F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets after weighing the near-term risk from near-peer competitors. Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee in a hearing he is aware the ...

By Dave Ahearn President Bush would provide $9.3 billion for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2009, under the budget plan that Bush yesterday sent to Congress for its review and approval. That would include $6.9 billion for development and testing of new and ...

Missile Defense Systems Needed As Missile Threat Increases President Bush would provide $9.336 billion for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2009, up 7.9 percent from the $8.655 billion in the current fiscal 2008, under the budget plan that Bush today sent to ...

The United States and India inked an agreement to join in using space for peaceful purposes. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin and Indian Space Research Organization Chairman G. Madhavan Nair signed the framework agreement. "I am honored to sign this agreement with the India Space Research ...

By Jen DiMascio This week, Boeing [BA] and Northrop Grumman [NOC], contestants for the Air Force's next aerial refueling tanker contract, announced advancements in their respective refueling systems. Boeing announced that it completed its first nighttime refueling on a KC-767, which the company ...

Sea Launch placed a satellite in orbit, marking a resurrection of the space firm following a disastrous rocket explosion early last year that destroyed a satellite payload. The Sea Launch win last week marked the end of a long comeback trail for the company, which fires rockets off a sea-going ...