3482 results for: japan aegis

The Navy last month awarded Raytheon [RTN] a contract worth nearly $55 million to retrofit 135 Boeing [BA] F/A-18 Super Hornets with APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. The first deliveries for 19 aircraft will begin in about 18 months, Dave Goold, director of business ...

A report by a key Pentagon office on ballistic missile defense (BMD) programs should raise concerns that they are far from finished, reliable systems able to strike down incoming enemy missiles, an analyst argues. The Aegis and the Ground-based Midcourse Defense, or GMD, missile defense programs ...

By Geoff Fein The Navy last month awarded Raytheon [RTN] a contract worth nearly $55 million to retrofit 135 Boeing [BA] F/A-18 Super Hornets with APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. The first deliveries for 19 aircraft will begin in about 18 months, Dave Goold, director of ...

The Navy earlier this month awarded BAE Systems a $31 million contract for the maintenance, repair and modernization of the guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill (CG-52), the first to undergo the service's cruiser modification effort, the company said. "This award complements the important ...

By Dave Ahearn Sea Launch placed a satellite in orbit, marking a resurrection of the space firm following a disastrous rocket explosion early last year that destroyed a satellite payload. The Sea Launch win last week marked the end of a long comeback trail for the company, which fires rockets off a ...

Defense Watch

The Latest Word On Trends And Developments In Aerospace And Defense Undecided. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told reporters last week that the vacancy on the House Appropriations Committee caused by Rep. Roger Wicker's (R- Miss.) shift to the Senate would be discussed during a ...


Japan Progresses In Improving PAC-3 Missile Defense System Tests Of System Set, To Occur In United States At White Sands Japan is moving to improve its missile defense system that could guard central Tokyo against incoming lower-level weapons, and is preparing for a test of the Patriot Advanced ...

First Launch Since Explosion Last Year Caused Loss Of A Satellite Sea Launch placed a satellite in orbit, marking a resurrection of the space firm following a disastrous rocket explosion early last year that destroyed a satellite payload. The Sea Launch win last week marked the end of a long ...