3482 results for: japan aegis

By Dave Ahearn Congress is returning to Capitol Hill to decide funding issues for the U.S. space program, controversies that began last year. Debates will center on a wide array of topics, from money for space programs to export controls on satellites and other sensitive-technology items shipped to ...

Export Controls Also May Be Debated In Session Congress is returning to Capitol Hill to decide funding issues for the U.S. space program, controversies that began last year. Debates will center on a wide array of topics, from money for space programs to export controls on satellites and other ...

PAC-3 Contract Part Of $1.7 Billion Lockheed Missile Defense Orders In 2007 Middle East May Be Ripe Market For Lockheed Missile Defense Systems Lockheed Martin Corp. [LMT] has begun jockeying to get a piece of the action in the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) missile shield program now led by ...


Lockheed, United Space To Seek Johnson Space Center Support Contract Lockheed Martin Corp. [LMT] signed a memorandum of understanding with United Space Alliance to seek the Facilities Development and Operations Contract (FDOC) at Johnson Space Center. United Space Alliance is a joint venture of ...

Lockheed Martin [LMT] has begun jockeying to get a piece of the action in the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) missile shield program now led by prime contractor Boeing [BA], a possible contest that also might include Northrop Grumman [NOC]. The company said yesterday that it had submitted a ...

Report Says China Moving To Superpower Role As It Spends Almost 4 Percent Of GDP On Arms Chinese Industrial Output To Be 50 Percent Greater Than U.S. Production In Five Years, But U.S. Still Gives China Financial Aid China has become a manufacturing leviathan, overtaking the United States -- the ...


Progress Cargo Vehicle Launched To Space Station A Russian Progress space freighter ship launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan Dec. 23 on a supply mission to the International Space Station, Starsem announced. The unmanned space vehicle entered orbit to reach the space station, ...

By Jen DiMascio The Air Force's tanker competition comes down to the wire as Boeing [BA] and Northrop Grumman [NOC] yesterday submitted their final bids for the service's top acquisition priority this year. At stake is a contract worth up to $40 billion for up to 179 aircraft over the next 15 years. ...

An enhanced bomb rack for the F-16 fighter aircraft, new three-dimensional displays for visualization of the battlespace, and a more sensitive biological agent sensor are among the 29 promising domestic and foreign concepts that Pentagon officials have selected to evaluate starting in FY '08, the ...