3482 results for: japan aegis

By Geoff Fein The Navy yesterday grounded 39 of its fleet of P-3C Orion aircraft due to structural fatigue concerns discovered during an ongoing evaluation of the aircraft, according to the service. "This is a proactive effort based on the study," a Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) ...

Defense Watch

The Latest Word On Trends And Developments In Aerospace And Defense In Limbo. Congress has yet to agree on what to do about the federal budget--and within that how to handle war funding. Senators said last week they are waiting to see what the House sends over on Monday. House leaders have said ...

By Michael Sirak An enhanced bomb rack for the F-16 fighter aircraft, new three-dimensional displays for visualization of the battlespace, and a more sensitive biological agent sensor are among the 29 promising domestic and foreign concepts that Pentagon officials have selected to evaluate starting ...

China now has become a deep-space power, on the success of its lunar orbiter, Chinese President Hu Jintao said last week, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. This is but the first stage of the Chinese lunar program, according to Hu, speaking at a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People ...

In The News

Space Rocket Engine Passes Test: ATK Alliant Techsystems [ATK] demonstrated a critical capability of its liquid oxygen (LOX)/methane rocket engine by igniting it in a vacuum chamber, ATK announced. The test demonstrated the viability of a LOX/methane rocket engine for a lunar ascent mission. This ...

Defense Watch

The Latest Word On Trends And Developments In Aerospace And Defense Anything But Iraq. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said last week said that before the end of the congressional session Democrats were likely to include defense funding in an omnibus spending bill that would be considered ...