3482 results for: japan aegis

Britain's BAE SYSTEMS yesterday said it is acquiring Pitch Technologies AB, a Swedish-based firm that specializes in training and simulation products and solutions, for about $9.8 million. BAE expects the deal to close in December. Pitch's largest customers are the Swedish Ministry of Defence, NASA, ...

Earnings Notes And News

ImageWare Systems [IW] 3Q07 3Q06 Sales $3.5M $2.2M Net Inc. ($130K, $0.01) ($1.5M, $0.13) Sales increased 59% largely due to multi-biometric enrollment and management and identity proofing the company is doing for the Department of Veterans Affairs in support of HSPD-12. ImageWare ...

Defense Watch

The Latest Word On Trends And Developments In Aerospace And Defense Bridge Goes Nowhere. The House-approved $50 billion bill to fund four months of Iraq war operations tanked last week in a 53-45 Senate vote; 60 yeses were required for passage. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said ...

Cost Of Flying Orion Manned Mission Two Years Earlier $2 Billion A House-Senate conference committee killed a $1 billion addition to the NASA budget to help the space agency recoup its financial losses suffered in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas said. A ...


Ariane 5 Said To Boost Record Heavy Payload: U.K., Brazilian Satellites The Ariane 5 giant rocket set another heavy-lift record by placing a U.K. military relay platform and Brazil's new multi-mission telecommunications satellite into geostationary transfer orbit, according to Arianspace. The total ...

By Michael Sirak RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany--The Air Force is starting to return F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets to flight duty upon each aircraft passing a one-time inspection, service officials said here yesterday. The grounding of F-15C Eagles, however, remains in effect, these officials said. ...

Questions Arise Whether Shuttles Will Finish All Needed Missions A Senate panel this week will probe major questions about the space shuttle fleet, focusing on safety issues, whether the shuttles - before a mandated 2010 retirement -- can finish building the International Space Station, and what ...


Raytheon Gains $45 Million Navy Aegis Work The Navy gave Raytheon Co. [RTN] a five-year, $45 million contract for performance-based logistics for the Aegis weapons system. Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems will perform repairs and provide spares for the AN/SPY-1 radar and MK 99 Fire Control ...

The Airborne Laser (ABL) and the European ballistic missile defense (BMD) programs that once faced devastating funding cuts have rallied, with a House-Senate conference committee providing those programs most of the money that President Bush had requested. The House-Senate panel wrote the final ...

By Ann Roosevelt Missile Defense Agency (MDA) late Tuesday announced the successful completion of a simultaneous interception of two ballistic missile targets for its sea-based anti-missile Aegis BMD system. Conducted jointly with the Navy, this was MDA's latest hit-to-kill intercept flight test ...