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Defense Watch

The Latest Word On Trends And Developments In Aerospace And Defense Return To Flight. The Air Force last week flew a JASSM cruise missile for the first time since a spate of anomalies occurred in four consecutive test flights in early April. The Oct. 31 test occurred at White Sands Missile Range, N. ...

NASA Sorely Underfunded, Needs Far More Money: Douglass U.S. preeminence in space is fading because NASA is being starved of funding it urgently requires, and that may mean some other nation -- not the United States -- will develop a spaceplane replacement for the aging U.S. space shuttle fleet. ...

Defense Secretary Gates In China To Question Chinese Military Buildup Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates is in China, where he will attempt to get Chinese leaders to explain why Beijing is plunging ahead on a gigantic military modernization program with global reach. Gates also is expected to ...

By Ann Roosevelt The United States should keep an eye on acquisition developments around the world, but streamlining the process at home would help in a rapidly changing environment, according to a Raytheon [RTN] executive. "I don't think we need to reinvent contract vehicles," Smith said. ...

Believing it has too little manpower chasing too many opportunities, Implant Sciences Corp. [IMX] has decided it will bolster its sales and marketing team by adding new personnel and international distributors. Over a year ago the company decided to make the security business its primary focus but ...

By Ann Roosevelt The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system, built by Lockheed Martin [LMT] and managed by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), is expanding its target set by going after separating targets in its next series of tests, according to a company official. MDA announced ...

Defense Watch

The Latest Word On Trends And Developments In Aerospace And Defense Conference Outlook. The chairmen of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees said last week they intend to wrap up a conference on the defense-spending bill for fiscal year 2008 by Nov. 1. The defense authorization bill is ...

The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile defense (BMD) system annihilated a target missile outside the atmosphere, the fourth winning intercept for THAAD and the 31st successful target kill out of 39 attempts since 2001 for several types of BMD systems. THAAD scored its ...

Space Shuttle Discovery Heat Shield OK, Cleared For Reentry The International Space Station (ISS) is growing with the addition of a new room, a sort of connecting chamber that eventually will lead to new laboratories that will be added to the space station on future space shuttle flights. It's all ...

The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) will begin a ground test involving many U.S. ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems, plus input from allied nations, MDA announced. The test will include all fielded sensors, command and control, battle management and communications, and interceptor locations. The ...