3482 results for: japan aegis

Allan McArtor, chairman of Airbus North America, yesterday defended his company against attacks on its aerial refueling tanker airframe. The fight between Boeing [BA] and Airbus's parent company, the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. (EADS), to make the Air Force's next aerial refueling ...

The Singapore Ministry of Defence (MoD) on Monday placed an order for 12 additional F-15SG fighter aircraft from Boeing [BA], raising the total number of these multirole jets that it is procuring to 24. This order is a follow-on tasking to the original batch of 12 F-15SGs that Singapore ordered in ...

The Singapore Ministry of Defence (MoD) on Monday placed an order for 12 additional F-15SG fighter aircraft from Boeing [BA], raising the total number of these multirole jets that it is procuring to 24. This order is a follow-on tasking to the original batch of 12 F-15SGs that Singapore ordered in ...

By Jen DiMascio Allan McArtor, chairman of Airbus North America, yesterday defended his company against attacks on its aerial refueling tanker airframe. The fight between Boeing [BA] and Airbus's parent company, the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. (EADS), to make the Air Force's next ...

NEC Corporation of America, the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's NEC Corp. [NIPNY], has introduced Integra-ID, a next-generation Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). NEC says its new fingerprint matching software is based on open standards architecture and doesn't require proprietary ...

The Air Force is planning to conduct a demonstration of the RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned sensor aircraft next year in the Pacific to showcase the platform and the value of its high-resolution imagery to U.S. partners and friends there, the service's top general in the region said recently. Pacific Air ...

By Jen DiMascio Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani (R) last week beefed up his team of experts with the addition of retired Adm. Robert Natter as his senior military adviser. Giuliani has amassed a long list of homeland security advisers, but compared with other candidates, lacked "oomph" in the ...

Space Agencies Worldwide See Budgets Up, Except In Japan The worldwide space industry saw blistering 18 percent growth to a total $220 billion revenues last year, compared to 2005, the Space Foundation disclosed in releasing its Space Report 2007. "Space businesses are on the rise around the globe, ...

Beam me down, Scotty - that is, beam me down an unlimited amount of electrical power to meet an enormous future world energy demand -- all without creating one bit of greenhouse gases, global warming or carbon fuel usage. Sound too spacey Actually, several experts - sober and serious - say it can ...

The high-powered missile-killing laser at the heart of the Airborne Laser (ABL) ballistic missile defense system is being installed in its platform, a highly modified Boeing 747-400F, Northrop Grumman Corp. [NOC] announced. Separately, an illuminator laser in the ABL system that tracks enemy ...