Lawrence Cannon, Canada’s minister of transport, infrastructure and communities, has unveiled proposed regulatory amendments to increase accountability in the aviation sector through the implementation of safety management systems by airports and organizations providing air traffic services.
“Canada believes that making industry more accountable adds an additional layer of safety,” said Cannon. “These proposed amendments build on the regulations that have been in place since 2005 for air operators.”
The proposed amendments to the Canadian Aviation Regulations require airports and organizations providing air traffic services to implement safety management systems in their organizations and appoint executives who are accountable for safety. These systems will make organizations more accountable for day-to-day operations while allowing flexibility to determine the most effective means of improving safety performance.
Each system is based on an operator’s in-depth knowledge of the organization and integrates safety into policies, management and employee practices, as well as operating procedures throughout the organization. As each organization integrates safety into daily operations, management and employees can continuously work to identify and overcome potential safety hazards that could cause accidents.
“The purpose of implementing safety management systems is not only to increase industry accountability, but to instill a consistent and positive safety culture and help improve the safety performance of operators,” added Cannon. “This approach represents a systematic, explicit and comprehensive process for managing hazards to safety.”
Canada is among world leaders in safety management systems. The amendments build on the work of leading safety experts and international bodies and demonstrate the need for attention to aviation safety at an organizational level, including emphasizing the importance of working with industry to achieve a higher level of safety.
These measures ensure that not only are problems, hazards, incidents and accidents reported, but also that the associated risks are analyzed, and appropriate action is taken.
In 1999, Transport Canada committed to the implementation of safety management systems in aviation organizations. Safety management systems are methods a company can use to integrate safety throughout its organization.
Currently, safety is the responsibility of a safety officer who reports to management, but is ultimately not accountable for safety performance. The amendments require aviation organizations to appoint executives who are accountable for safety and implementing safety management systems. These executives would impose, implement, lead and manage new policies and be directly accountable for the safety performance of their operations.
Currently, Transport Canada is active at the operational level with audits and inspections of actual activities. With the introduction of safety management systems, the focus will be at the systems level. This means that inspectors will assess the effectiveness of safety management systems within an organization. Therefore, safety management systems add a layer of safety and enhance the work Transport Canada continues to do through its oversight program of inspections and audits.
Transport Canada will continue to develop, implement, and enforce safety standards and regulations under the Canadian Aviation Regulations. The department has a comprehensive safety oversight program consisting of certification, licensing, inspections, audits, education and awareness, as well as enforcement activities to monitor compliance with Canadian safety regulations.
Aviation organizations that have already begun implementing these systems have had positive results. The broader implementation of safety management systems by aviation organizations is part of an effort to reduce the already low aircraft accident rate in Canada, says Transport Canada.
The amendments to the Canadian Aviation Regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on July 7, 2007. A 30-day response period follows, during which time interested parties are invited to comment on the proposed amendments.