U.S. Special Operations Command this month awarded a $187-million sole-source contract to Saab Dynamics for the Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-personnel Weapon System (MAAWS), known as the Carl Gustaf.
The work will be done in Sweden and completed by July 31, 2018.
photo: Saab
The five-year, indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) firm fixed price contract is for the immediate procurement of a reusable shoulder-fired recoilless weapon system and family of ammunition.
SOCOM’s requirement is for a shoulder-launched system and associated munitions to defeat various targets. The munitions required include: High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT), High Explosive (HE), Smoke, Illumination, Area Denial Munition (ADM), High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP), Anti-Structure Munition (ASM), Multi-Target (MT), and training ammunition.
The Saab Dynamics’ M3 Carl Gustaf is a shoulder-fired, lightweight, reusable, one-man weapon system.
The Carl Gustaf, ammunition and training systems are part of the MAAWS system and munitions must be sufficiently rugged to remain safe, operational, and effective following exposure to the rigors normally associated with military operations, including air delivery and salt water submersion, according to the justification document.
Three companies responded to a market survey but only Saab met SOCOM criteria. The names of the other two companies were redacted in the program justification.
The work supports a SOCOM joint service requirement. MAAWS is used by Army Rangers, Navy SEALS and SOCOM, the document said.
The weapons will be used for sustainment of the Saab Dynamics M3 Carl Gustaf Rifles currently fielded and replacement of weapons that have reached the end of their service life.
The ammunition being procured under this effort will replenish operation and training ammunition stocks. Sub-caliber adapters will be used for cost-effective familiarization and marksmanship training.