The Swedish Defence Material Adminsitration (FMV) awarded Saab AB a $13.2 million order for the Targo advanced helmet mounted display (HMD) system for use by the Swedish Air Force’s Gripen E fighter aircraft, the company said Nov. 7.
Targo allows pilots to better locate, track, identify, and engage air and ground targets because the system provides situational awareness and easier engagement options, Saab said. It has a helmet-mounted visor that displays flight information like altitude and air speed as well as cueing targets and supplying supporting tracking data to the pilot.
Saab highlighted that HMD-systems are already currently operational with the current Swedish Air For Gripen fleet. The newest Targo HMD will add features like night cueing and display capabilities.
“By aiming the head rather than the entire aircraft at the target, I can rapidly lock sensors and missiles on to the target and thus use the full performance of the missile. This makes it possible to shoot the missile instantaneously after target detection and identification, with eyes on target constantly,” Hans Einerth, Wing Commander Flying at Saab, said in a statement.
“The system can also designate targets for the pilot leading to a faster assessment of the tactical situation” he added.
Targo will be manufactured and supplied by the Brazilian company AEL Sistemas and was also ordered by Brazil for the Brazilian Air Force Gripen NG fighters.
AEL Sistemas is a supplier for the Gripen NG in Brazil and a partner in a technology transfer program as part of the F-X2 program, Saab said. AEL will also provide wide area display (WAD) and the head-up display (HUD) for Brazil’s Gripen NG
Swedish Targo deliveries are set to occur from 2022 to 2026.