SightLogix, Inc., has delivered 23 Wireless Rapid Deployment Kits under a $1.7 million contract for the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP). The surveillance kits are a new product offering from SightLogix and includes four automated surveillance cameras that have intelligent video capabilities built in, including intrusion detection and tracking, geo-registering of targets. The kits include Cisco Corp.’s [CSCO] Video Surveillance Manager and Panasonic‘s ToughBook ruggedized laptop computer. A kit can be set up by first responders such as local police or fire in less than 15 minutes to provide long- range surveillance of a perimeter or buffer zone and can link with existing surveillance assets. The kit includes tripods for the cameras but the long-range wireless capability of the system means the cameras can still operate from 20 story buildings, SightLogix says. The company has sold the new surveillance kits to some undisclosed customers but the CEDAP purchase, which is for various public safety organizations, is the first published mention of a contract. There are over 500 qualified applications for the kits, John Romanowich, president and CEO of SightLogix, tells TR2. CEDAP is a DHS program to help strengthen preparedness for eligible state and local jurisdictions.