The State Department approved a potential $23 million Foreign Military Sale (FMS) with Jordan for one Lockheed Martin LMT] UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of the sale on Tuesday.
Photo: Sikorsky
The sale covers a Black Hawk in standard U.S. Army configuration with standard Government Furnished Equipment including two General Electric [GE] T700-GE-701D engines and one Common Missile Warning System.
The sale also includes associated equipment like one AN/APR-39 Radar Signal Detecting Set; one AN/AVR-2B Laser Detecting Set; two AN-ARC-231 Radios; two AN-ARC-201D Radios; one AN/APX-123A Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Transponder; and two Embedded Global Positioning System with Inertial Navigation (EGIs).
The primary contractors will be Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky [LMT] and GE.
DSCA said this UH-60M will “supplement Jordan’s existing Royal Squadron fleet of Black Hawk helicopters and be used to facilitate the movement of the Jordanian Royal Family in a safe and efficient manner.”
This announcement came a day after DSCA disclosed billions of dollars in approved FMS, including $380 million for six UH-60Ms to Lithuania (Defense Daily, July 6).