DHS S&T Transitions Phishing Detection Capability for Mobile Devices
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate says new and enhanced phishing and content protection for mobile devices is being transitioned to the government and private sector. The directorate says it helped fund an enhancement to San Francisco-based Lookout Inc.’s Mobile Endpoint Security platform. “These new capabilities will alert device users, mobile enterprise administrators and security personnel to a wide range of mobile threats and allow them to remediate those threats and protect sensitive data from being compromised through mobile devices,” says Vincent Sritapan, program manager at S&T for Mobile Security Research and Development.
DHS Approves Thycotic as CDM Vendor
Thycotic, a provider of privileged account management solutions, say it has been selected as an approved vendor of the Department of Homeland Security Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program. The Washington, D.C.-based company says that its solutions adhere to the second phase of CDEM, which is Least Privilege and Infrastructure Integrity. Thycotic says its Secret Server helps organizations store, distribute, change and audit enterprise passwords in a secure environment.
Cyber Security Guide for Nonprofits Released by Threat Sketch
Threat Sketch, which specializes in cyber risk management for small and medium businesses, has released The Nonprofit Guide to Cybersecurity. The new guide was developed with funding and support by the Department of Homeland Security National Protection and Programs Directorate. The guide provides an overview of the risk landscape for nonprofits and provides specific steps to help prevent and prepare for cyber-attacks. The company says the guide also outlines the role of executives in managing cyber risk, how to assemble a team, and how to make organizations more resilient by balancing preparedness and prevention in their approach. Threat Sketch says many nonprofits don’t have the resources for rigorous cyber security plans and tools and also have unique aspects, such as large databases of donors, beneficiaries and volunteers.