Citadel Defense Introduces New AI Software to Counter Air, Land and Sea Drones
Citadel Defense has introduced new artificial intelligence-based software algorithms that allow its Titan counter-unmanned aircraft system (UAS) technology to detect and defeat drone threats in the air, on land, and at sea. Citadel says its software will be rolled out to more than 100 Titan systems that are in the field. “Unmanned systems have changed the landscape of military, intelligence, and security operations,” says Christopher Williams, CEO of Citadel. “We must think beyond aerial threats when protecting personnel and sensitive critical infrastructure. If our military is using RC-controlled platforms across each domain, we must expect that our adversaries will too.”
OMB Formally Designates CISA As Fed Lead for Shared Cyber Security Services
The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has designated a Department of Homeland Security agency as the lead for bringing a shared cyber security services model to federal agencies. The Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency’s (CISA) Quality Service Management Office (QSMO) designation centralizes cyber security mission support functions within the agency, increasing the use of shared services across the government, reducing duplication and freeing departments and agencies to focus on their core missions. CISA is the first QSMO designated by OMB, which in April 2019 mandated the use of centralized mission support services across the federal government as part of the President’s Management Agenda for modernizing government. The QSMO designation for CISA applies to security operation center standardization, vulnerability management standardization, and domain name system resolver service.