Textron Systems [TXT] and Bell Helicopter recently said new labs are open at the Huntsville, Ala. site: the Textron Systems Integration and Collaboration Lab and Bell Helicopter/AAI Unmanned Aircraft Systems Manned/Unmanned Operations (MUMO) Capability Development Lab. Bell Helicopter and AAI are subordinate units of Textron.
The labs combine live data feeds, high-fidelity simulated environments and field equipment to enable rapid system integration and testing, and the demonstration and proof of operational concepts, the company said in a statement.
The Textron Systems Integration and Collaboration Lab incorporates AAI Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ unmanned platforms, command and control solutions, and training and simulation equipment, along with technologies for real-time collaboration and tasking. Paired with live data feeds, the lab allows customers to quickly integrate and troubleshoot new components and assets.
Similarly, the Bell Helicopter/AAI Unmanned Aircraft Systems MUMO Capability Development Lab advances customer development of tactics, techniques and procedures. A high-fidelity OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter simulator linked seamlessly with unmanned assets, feeds and simulations supports the development of cognitive skills for MUMO.