The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to initiate Qualification Test activities to qualify air cargo screening devices for potential placement on a Qualified Technologies List for regulated parties to use when purchasing or leasing air cargo screening equipment. Last year TSA initiated a laboratory and field-based Multi-Technology Assessment to gather efficacy data on commercial off-the-shelf screening equipment. With the BAA TSA is expanding is effort into formal qualification test activities. Also through the BAA TSA plans to establish air cargo screening technology and equipment guidelines for screening unique commodity classes and cargo configurations and to establish common system configurations and operator protocols for air cargo screening technologies and equipment. There are four groups for near-term qualifications: Non-Computed Tomography Transmission X-Ray Devices; Explosive Trace Detection Devices; Electronic Metal Detection Devices; and Computed Tomography Explosives Detection Systems. Sol. No. HSTS04-09-BAA-ST2132. Contact: Kurt Allen, contract specialist, 571-227-4128, [email protected].