The U.S. Army Contracting Command awarded Navistar Defense, LLC two foreign military contracts worth a total of $475 million to produce and upgrade Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles for Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), respectively, the company said last Thursday.

Under the two contracts Navistar will produce and support 40 MaxxPro Dash DXM MRAP vehicles for Pakistan and also reset, upgrade, and support 1,085 long wheel base MaxxPro MRAP Excess Defense Article vehicles for the UAE.

MaxxPro Dash DXM Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. Photo: Navistar Defense, LLC.
MaxxPro Dash DXM Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. Photo: Navistar Defense, LLC.

Most of the contract work will occur at the company’s assembly plant in West Point, Miss. Delivery to Pakistan is planned for some time in the 2017 while UAE deliveries are set for 2018.

Navistar Defense is part of Navistar International Corp. [NAV].

Navistar highlighted it is currently resetting U.S. Army MaxxPro MRAPs that have been retained by the service’s enduring fleet at the West Point facility and producing new Medium Tactical Vehicles for the Afghan National Security Forces and allies based on a 2015 contract.

“We are pleased that these important U.S. allies are confident in the MaxxPro’s ability to protect their forces allowing them to complete their missions and return home safely,” Kevin Thomas, president and general manager of Navistar Defense, said in a statement.