Unisys [UIS] has introduced its Next Generation Airport Passenger Screening Solution that combines its capabilities with airport infrastructure, such as airport check-in systems, and identity solutions, including biometrics. The solution will be based on the company’s Library of eID Artifacts (LEIDA) software framework, which creates software building blocks to accelerate the time needed to develop and implement identity and credentialing solutions using best of breed components from its technology partners. The solution will take advantage of the growing use of electronic passport and electronic passports at check in to verify their identities. Fingerprints, faces and irises could be verified at security checkpoints and other locations around an airport. The company says it will combine its expertise in the aviation industry with biometric- based security solutions to create an end-to-end solution that covers the key touch points of air travel, from electronic boarding passes to boarding a plane, to passing through immigration, to baggage collection. Unisys soon will be showcasing its new solution at its security innovation centers in the U.S., Belgium and Australia. The target market is global, the company says.