Vidiation, the small company developing video analytics that enable the use of video for radiation detection, has received a six-month, $150,000 phase one Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) to adapt its technology to the MPEG-4 video format. “This grant allows us to adapt V-RADS (Vidiation-Radiation Analytics Detection System) to the MPEG-4 decoder to make it compatible with this newer video standard; provides for additional lab testing and validation at Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and field testing at a Beta site,” says Frank O’Connor, Vidiation’s CEO. Vidiation says a phase two award would be for $1 million and would allow the company to further develop and accelerate commercialization of V-RADS. The company recently conducted its market launch of V-RADS. Separately, Vidiation has engaged the management consulting firm Cyrus Strategies to help it secure $4 million in equity funding to bring V-RADS to market. Due to the successful launch of V-RADS last month at ASIS International, which resulted in gaining distributors and clients for the product, O’Connor says that, “Now the challenge is to quickly raise enough capital to deploy the software across a wide range of homeland security applications.”