Though having large amphibious ships with well decks is “absolutely critical” for some mission sets, budget pressures could force the Navy and Marine Corps to consider alternatives, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work told service members in Guam on Wednesday.
The next two amphibious assault ships, the USS America (LHA-6) and USS Tripoli (LHA-7) will be built without a well deck as “aviation-centric” ships, the Navy has said. The plan is to add the well deck back into LHA-8 and beyond as the Navy replaces older ships in the fleet, but Work, in response to a question from a Marine in the audience, cautioned that “putting a well deck into a ship is expensive.”

“We’ve got to say, are there other ways we could do it. So the Mobile Landing Platform, which is a big ship that can submerge and has places for LCACs, landing craft air cushions. That’s another way we could go about this,” he said.
But, “at the budget level we have, we want to retain the capability for amphibious theater entry, and having the well deck is absolutely critical,” he said. But at lower budget levels, if sequestration returns, those alternatives may come into play.
“What goes on from here on out, a lot will depend upon the budget and where it goes,” he said.